Book Blogger Hop

So not something I used to do before but sounds like fun – here’s the gist of it:

How it works:

  1. Post an answer to the weekly question
  2. Link up to the post on the lovely Ramblings of a coffee addicted writer
  3. Visit a few other posts – make some new friends, follow a few folks and maybe have some visitors fly by your very own blog.

This week’s question:

My Answer:

Nope – I have read to many books that had absolutely crappy ratings on GR that I adored. For me – its pretty much the cover. I know, I know. Don’t judge a book and all that. I can’t help it. However if I do know the author or someone else recommended a book I will still give it a go even if it has an unappealing cover.

Luckily I am not too choosy when it does come to the covers. Give me some colour, something different, something sexy, or something unique and I am your girl.

So – what’s your answer? Are you a judger like me, do you follow the reviews or do you go with your gut?


  1. I love a pretty cover. 🙂 While a cover may not be the ultimate reason I read a book, it sometimes can be the reason I take a closer look at it. I hope you have a good week. Stay safe and well.

  2. First of all, thanks you for stopping by my website 😀

    I do sometimes look at the cover but then I read the blurb to understand if the book is for me or not. If it wins me over, boom I read it. If not, I read some reviews and see more specifics. I really don’t care about some minor spoilers that a review can give me because when I read that book I’ve totally forgotten about the comments. But I never look at the rating.

    Stay safe!

    • Yes – the ratings to me isn’t a very accurate way to judge a book (this coming from someone that rates books in her spare time heehee) But I guess when looking at what to read / buy next we all kind of use all 4 (rating / cover / synopsis / review) to decide.

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